We got back from Muncie Monday night. I unpacked and repacked and took off on Tuesday afternoon to head back to Indiana. It was such a great week spending time with so many friends and family too!
First up, my two friends Michela and Beth. I met these great girls in 2009 through a Bible study we were all in. We became fast friends and these girls were a great support to me during a very rough time. Beth and her husband have been trying for several years to have a baby and I was so excited to meet Ezekiel who was welcomed into their family 3 weeks ago. Here is the wolfpack :)
Next, I was able to see 4 great friends in one location which was very convenient! Kelsey and I have been friends since 2002. She has been a great friend over the past several years and I always enjoy catching up with her. You can read about some of our crafting adventures
Wednesday, I was able to have dinner with 3 great friends. I know these ladies from my Huntington College days but they will be life long friends. Whenever we get together there is a guarantee of great food and even better dessert. Usually more focus on the dessert than the dinner! Here is Joanne, Shannon, and Jodi.
And the ever famous dessert shot :) This homemade hot fudge is only one third of the super rich dessert! YUM!
Then I was off to visit my in-laws on Thursday. We went out to dinner and had a great time. It was nice being able to see them even though it was a quick visit.
Stan and Penny |
Friday was especially special because I got to see Stacy. Stacy and her family live in Colorado. The likelihood of us both being in Indiana at the same time is very unlikely since we moved to Illinois. Stacy got to Indiana late Thursday night so I stayed an extra night so that we could hang out. We met for lunch and a drive around Huntington. We always love to reminisce on all the great times we had during college. The bonus was being able to enjoy my favorite Mexican restaurant of all time.
At our favorite, Johnson's Junction |
I was able to see 10 people, in 4 days, in 4 different cities. It was good for my soul. There are so many more people that I wish I could have seen. I will save them for another trip...maybe next week :)